IPA: ʌpˈizɝ
- A person who appeases.
Examples of "appeaser" in Sentences
- BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: Who are you calling appeaser?
- An appeaser is someone who lets their enemy take advantage of them.
- Does Obamam identify with the label appeaser or something? anymouse
- For this he has been viciously attacked and referred to as an "appeaser."
- Meeting with or without preconditions is still a far cry from being an 'appeaser'.
- Winston Churchill once said "an appeaser is one who feeds the aligator, hoping he will eat him last."
- And I can't wait to hear the first time they call President Obama an "appeaser", and lecture forth on why he doesn't understand "evil".
- Please look up the meaning of "appeaser" and while you're at it, read up on Neville Chamberlain so the next time you post something you don't show how little you know.
- A funny thing happened these past few days, though: Now McCain seems more of an "appeaser" than Obama, who has declared -- wrongly, I believe -- that he won't negotiate with Hamas.