IPA: ʌproʊpriˈeɪʃʌn
- An act or instance of appropriating.
- That which is appropriated.
- Public funds set aside for a specific purpose.
- (art) The use of borrowed elements in the creation of a new work.
- (sociology) The assimilation of concepts into a governing framework.
- In church law, the making over of a benefice to an owner who receives the tithes, but is bound to appoint a vicar for the spiritual service of the parish.
- (constitutional law) The principle that supplies granted by a legislature are only to be expended in the manner specified by that legislature.
Examples of "appropriation" in Sentences
- Traditional IP law: private appropriation is a precondition for production.
- That's because state law prevents any sort of payments – even IOUs – without an appropriation from the Legislature, Jordan said.
- The appropriation from the central budget in this regard totaled 725.3 billion yuan, an increase of 21.8 percent over the previous year.
- Artists have, of course, been sticky-fingered for ages, long before the term "appropriation art" was ushered into the lexicon to describe the Pictures Generation.
- The Texas Board of Medical Examiners was so overwhelmed with new physician applications it had to acquire a special appropriation from the legislature to hire more personnel.
- Lifting the tuition cap would let universities break even with fewer public handouts, allowing schools to expand, if they so desire, without first seeking an appropriation from the government to do so.
- In postmodern ideals, this kind of appropriation is - well, appropriate, fitting, part of the continual process we all go through of assimilating culture and creating new culture based on that assimilation.
- Although appropriation is an old artistic technique, it is becoming much more common in our media-rich culture, and I would suggest that the growing importance of appropriation is a natural evolution in a society where we are constantly bombarded with images and sound bites.