IPA: ˈɑrk
- (astronomy) That part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and below the horizon.
- (geometry) A continuous part of the circumference of a circle (circular arc) or of another curve.
- A curve, in general.
- A band contained within parallel curves, or something of that shape.
- (electrics) A flow of current across an insulating medium; especially a hot, luminous discharge between either two electrodes or as lightning.
- (narratology) A story arc.
- (mathematics) A continuous mapping from a real interval (typically [0, 1]) into a space.
- (graph theory) A directed edge.
- (basketball, slang) The three-point line.
- (film) An arclight.
- (nautical, military) The Colombian Navy (Armada de la República de Colombia).
- (historical) A suggested location where the historical figure Joan of Arc, or her father, were from.
- (publishing) Acronym of advance reader's copy, a copy of a book given to a reviewer free in advance for review purposes.
- (pathology) Initialism of AIDS-related complex. [(medicine, pathology) A prodromal phase of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus.]
- (programming, uncountable) Acronym of Automatic Reference Counting.
- Initialism of American Red Cross.
- (transitive, intransitive) To move following a curved path.
- (transitive) To shape into an arc; to hold in the form of an arc.
- (intransitive) To form an electrical arc.
- (nautical, military, initialism) ship's prefix for warships of the navy of Colombia.
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