
IPA: ˈɑrdʌntɫi


  • fervently

Examples of "ardently" in Sentences

  • Sor0bama saying he believes in the 'free market' 'ardently'
  • We stress that it is not accurate to describe post-boomers as ardently pro-life.
  • Of course, political anti-semitism is still evident in the more liberal Spanish media, which is ardently pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.
  • Unfortunately, those who desire most ardently to cut back on government and its growth are those who most ardently press for a deal or a showdown that could lead to a shutdown.
  • Holy Ghost is a nu-disco act on DFA (the only one of the label's offerings that I consistently enjoy, actually), and I love how ardently they're embracing their derivation here.
  • The kids will find out that what you so ardently disagree with is "stand on your own feet," "take responsibility," and "make high grades," and they will wonder if you are dishonest or just easily fooled.
  • It would not be accurate to describe the post–baby boomer generation as ardently pro-life, as few endorse a total ban on abortion, but they are more willing than their parents to place restrictions on abortion.
  • Our ears are conditioned to a man's voice in that role, leading to the ardently proffered view – even by those who imagine they're not retrograde – that the female voice is inherently unsuitable, rather than a matter of training.
  • As we have seen in Chapter 1 Figure 1.3, adherents to some religious traditions are more ardently religious than others, but once we take those differences in religious observance into account, differences in generosity among religious traditions are modest.
  • That man, however, is not worthy of a home in the great republic, who does not appreciate the higher social levels at which native labor desires to live, who is not anxious to make the most of the advantages which democratic institutions offer him, who does not, in short, ardently desire to become a "good American."

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