IPA: ˈɑrmtʃɛr
- A chair with supports for the arms or elbows.
- To create based on theory or general knowledge rather than data.
- To theorize based on analysis of data that was gathered previously; to reflect.
- (figuratively) Remote from actual involvement, including a person retired from previously active involvement.
- (figuratively) Unqualified or uninformed but yet giving advice, especially on technical issues, such as law, architecture, medicine, military theory, or sports; relating to such advice.
Examples of "armchair" in Sentences
- It's not as easy as it looks from the armchair is it Huckie?
- Would that not be better than indulging in armchair racial profiling?
- Hanne's physical restriction gives new meaning to the term "armchair detective."
- [_Puts hat and cane at end of wardrobe; removes overcoat and places it on back of armchair; sits in armchair_.
- With its visual linearity and soft and welcoming structure, this armchair is the epitome of extreme and deliberate simplicity.
- An oversized leather armchair is a comfy touch, a drawer slides out from a small unit to reveal a hairdryer and loads of fresh coffee.
- A new iPhone application gives a positive new meaning to the term armchair activist, offering users the opportunity to take part in Sea Shepherd s high stakes campaign.
- A lot of folks might prefer to stay home on a pleasant Sunday afternoon and engage in armchair activism from the comfort of their own homes and cocoons, occasionally talking back to the cable news networks or commenting on a blog.