IPA: ɝˈɪðmiʌ
- An irregular heartbeat; a lack of a regular pulse
- A disease entity involving such beats, such as atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, AV nodal reentrant tachycardia, or others.
Examples of "arrhythmia" in Sentences
- The patient was experiencing frequent episodes of arrhythmia, causing concern for their cardiac health
- The doctor prescribed medication to help regulate the patient's arrhythmia and prevent further complications
- An arrhythmia can disrupt the heart's normal rhythm, leading to symptoms such as palpitations and dizziness
- Regular monitoring and lifestyle changes can help manage arrhythmia and improve overall heart health
- In severe cases, arrhythmia may require more invasive treatments, such as cardiac ablation or pacemaker insertion