
IPA: ʌsˈɛmbɫi


  • A set of pieces that work together in unison as a mechanism or device.
  • The act of putting together a set of pieces, fragments, or elements.
  • A congregation of people in one place for a purpose.
  • (politics) A legislative body.
  • (military) A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble.
  • (computing, Microsoft .NET) A building block of an application, similar to a DLL, but containing both executable code and information normally found in a DLL's type library. The type library information in an assembly, called a manifest, describes public functions, data, classes, and version information.
  • (US politics) The lower legislative body of each of a number of states of the United States.
  • (computing) Ellipsis of assembly language. [(computer languages) A programming language in which the source code of programs is composed of mnemonic instructions, each of which corresponds directly to a machine instruction for a particular processor.]

Examples of "assembly" in Sentences

  • What critical missions remain for shuttles unique ablilities after station assembly is completed?
  • The only thing to do with a shuttle extension, after assembly is logistic modules and crew rotations.
  • This valve assembly is an original build valve that has been installed on the vehicle I believe since flight one of OV105.
  • The Vice Dean commented that, examination a transformation upon stage, a assembly is all a time during sea perplexing to recollect constant identities.
  • There are rare cases where software patents make sense, primarily in assembly code areas that are directly linked to hardware and architectural implementations.
  • -- History Today The Life and Times of Mexico is a grand narrative driven by 3,000 years of history: the Indian world, the Spanish invasion, Independence, the 1910 Revolution, the tragic lives of workers in assembly plants along the border, and the experiences of millions of Mexicans who live in the United States.

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