IPA: ʌsˈɛsɝ
- One who assesses a property for tax or insurance evaluation.
- (law) A specialist who assists the court in determining a matter.
- A civil servant entrusted with checking the veracity of data and criteria used by a taxpayer to complete a tax return.
- One who assesses a project for cost evaluation.
- (UK, Oxford University) An official responsible for student welfare.
Examples of "assessor" in Sentences
- Johnson, who was elected Aug. 7 to succeed three-term assessor
- Find out how your district levies taxes -- on 100% of the market value or some fraction of it -- by calling the assessor's office.
- I called the assessor’s office and was told my only option was to go to court but it would be expensive and I would probably loose.
- Moreover the office led to the cardinalate; the only "rise" that could be given to the assessor was his promotion to the Sacred College.
- Among programmes being introduced was the so-called assessor programme, already operating in Cape Town's Magistrate's Courts and soon to be extended to the remaining provinces.
- Quoth Ali, “So be it;” whereupon the merchant fetched an assessor from the Kazi’s court and, taking the prescribed acknowledgment, delivered to him the key wherewith he entered the house.
- While suburban townships such as Aurora, Naperville and Wheatland have a more relevant role for the township assessor, is it in the taxpayer's best interest to have township government in urban areas?
- According to Steve Coole, Vice-President of the NUS at the University College of Creative Arts, ‘anonymous marking was considered in 2002 but due to the nature of the teaching and learning process the assessor is often familiar with a student's work before the final submission for assessment, therefore it was not thought possible to adopt a policy of anonymous marking.’