IPA: ʌsˈum
- To authenticate by means of belief; to surmise; to suppose to be true, especially without proof
- To take on a position, duty or form
- To adopt a feigned quality or manner; to claim without right; to arrogate
- To receive, adopt (a person)
- To adopt (an idea or cause)
Examples of "assume" in Sentences
- The title was assumed in the content.
- I assume that cheap is a desideratum.
- I assume the mispelling was purposeful.
- The above assumes the truth of reincarnation.
- Hydrodynamics assumes that the flow is potential.
- It assumes the goal of the female's receptiveness.
- The are further assumed to not be correlated with the.
- For the moment, assume that the problem is incorrigible.
- To assume that most people assume that the UofW is the UofW Madison is inane.
- One can only assume that he believed that he could get away with this legerdemain before a complacent and deferential media.
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