
IPA: ˈæstɝɔɪd


  • (astronomy) A naturally occurring solid object, which is smaller than a planet, larger than a meteoroid and not a comet, that orbits a star and often has an irregular shape.
  • (astronomy) In the Solar system, such a body that orbits within the orbit of Jupiter
  • (zoology) Any member of the taxonomic class Asteroidea; a starfish.

Examples of "asteroid" in Sentences

  • Do we know when the next asteroid is going to hit?
  • A large asteroid is on a collision course with Earth.
  • An asteroid is going to come whizzing by, as the Bad Astronomer points out.
  • * And the only thing that can stop this asteroid is your liberal arts degree.
  • Real Science: New radar observations have revealed that a near-Earth asteroid is actually three rocks.
  • What if we go back to the GOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDD standard, but the asteroid is made of GOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLD?
  • What†™ s the trajectory of the asteroid? ” “Tracking stations report that the asteroid is heading out of the ecliptic.
  • That means no posting here for a day or two (unless something important happens like NASA announces an asteroid is heading toward earth).
  • The explanation for the 'asteroid' is a rather interesting SF-nal idea, but Roberts doesn't really go anywhere with it, he leaves it hanging.

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synonyms for asteroiddescribing words for asteroid

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