IPA: ʌstˈɪgmʌtɪzʌm
- (optics) A defect of a lens such that light rays coming from a point do not meet at a focal point so that the image is blurred.
- (pathology) A disorder of the vision, usually due to a misshapen cornea, such that light does not focus correctly on the retina causing a blurred image.
Examples of "astigmatism" in Sentences
- The optometrist diagnosed me with astigmatism, explaining that my cornea is not perfectly shaped
- My astigmatism causes blurriness and distortion in my vision, especially at night
- Wearing glasses or contact lenses can help correct astigmatism and improve my overall eyesight
- People with astigmatism may experience headaches or eye strain due to the irregular curvature of their corneas
- Regular eye exams are important for monitoring the progression of astigmatism and determining the best treatment options