
IPA: æstrʌɫˈɑdʒɪkʌɫ


  • Of, or relating to astrology.

Examples of "astrological" in Sentences

  • And what about the definitive detection of the so-called astrological influences?
  • The blue starry scarf, which she had taken calling the astrological scarf, went well with it.
  • Nevertheless, your long-term astrological omens demand that I invoke them to describe your destiny.
  • Wherever you sit in this campaign, the whole thing makes me believe in what we could call the astrological karma of relationships.
  • Mongolian astrology is a slight variant of the main Tibetan astrological system, but now in the way of an introduction, let us speak of the Tibetan-Mongolian system in general.
  • Compare an astrological naturalism motivated by the idea that success is to be measured by how well the standards explain and predict ˜astrological phenomena™, understood as the astrologers do.
  • Here in Pork Smith we have entered what mr. delagar and I wryly call astrological cold spots -- places in life where one must begin to walk carefully, as everything that can go wrong begins to do so.
  • With all the players -- Planning Board, Council, and Administration -- in astrological alignment, why is it that redevelopment plans seem as fraught as in the 1980s, when all was bickering and maneuvering?

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