
IPA: ʌsˈʌndɝ


  • (archaic, literary) Into separate parts or pieces.

Examples of "asunder" in Sentences

  • Full many a shield and helmet/was there 'neath sword asunder rent.
  • Being there helped me realise that I was kinda rent asunder from the happy nest I had there.
  • For we must clearly see that a division in the Church on this old controverted subject would be like sawing a living man asunder; for it would be tearing the living body of Christ asunder, that is, if the
  • Where was solid water beneath it, is now air, and for the first time it feels the grip of gravity, and down it falls, at the same time being torn asunder from the lagging bottom of the wave and flung forward.
  • Where was solid water beneath it is now air, and for the first time it feels the grip of gravity, and down it falls, at the same time being torn asunder from the lagging bottom of the wave and being flung forward.
  • It is the destruction of the Al Qaeda network and terrorist organizations with global reach, and, in the case of Afghanistan, the taking asunder -- that, sir, maybe that, asunder, that is not quite as good as eviscerate -- but it has to do with taking down this illegitimate government of the Taliban that provides harbor to Al Qaeda.
  • Many of the white people in those provinces take little or no care of negro marriages; and when negroes marry after their own way, some make so little account of those marriages that with views of outward interest they often part men from their wives by selling them far asunder, which is common when estates are sold by executors at vendue.

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