IPA: eɪsʌmˈɛtrɪk
- Not symmetric.
- (cryptography) Not involving a mutual exchange of keys between the sender and receiver.
- (set theory) Of a relation R on a set S: having the property that for any two elements of S (not necessarily distinct), at least one is not related to the other via R.
Examples of "asymmetric" in Sentences
- IEDs are what the military term asymmetric threats.
- The ones who have gone to what they call asymmetric tactics.
- And so they use what everyone calls asymmetric means to do this.
- Klar proposed an explanation based on what he refers to as asymmetric cell division Ref 1.
- Bowden agreed to help me by providing his own understanding of civilian deaths in asymmetric warfare.
- The term asymmetric warfare is bandied about, another few words, 'hands tied behind backs', would be more appropriate. logdon
- MAD does not work in asymmetric warfare, nor when the attacker does not value their own life, nor when the attacker is willing to sacrifice their own children for furthering theircause.
- Extremists will forever be able to demagogue conditions of misery, making continued U.S. involvement in asymmetric warfare an increasingly counterproductive exercise — because killing one terrorist creates five more in his place.
- 'The insurgents are extremely mobile, agile and adaptive and they know they can't defeat us man-to-man, firefight-to-firefight, so they use what we call asymmetric tactics to engage us and their weapon of choice is the improvised explosive device,' he said.
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