IPA: eɪsʌmˈɛtrɪkʌɫ
- Not symmetrical.
- (of a question) Presenting a false dilemma, or a choice between two things which are not opposites.
Examples of "asymmetrical" in Sentences
- SAN MIGUEL: And we have heard since 9/11 the term asymmetrical warfare used a lot.
- But one of the journalists here uses the phrase asymmetrical warfare being very difficult to fight.
- They are too stupid to fight a long-term asymmetrical war, precisely because they can't admit to and adjust for their weaknesses.
- Iran's response, Hersh said, is likely to be "asymmetrical" - instead of striking back directly at the US, they will "hit the oil" in the Gulf.
- Of course, Scarlett Johansson regularly flaunts her hourglass curves, but lately she's also revealing her elegant neckline in asymmetrical dresses.
- If being asymmetrical is the design focus, why put it in a rectangular frame? sasha on 28 Jan 2009 at 4: 06 am # wow! never seen anything like this before!
- As the curvature of the wing changed, the lift increased, causing the Columbia to want to roll violently to the right; at the same time, because of an increase in asymmetrical drag, it yawed violently to the left.
- And yet, the reason why most wars today are asymmetrical is precisely due to the fact that America has held the world in a territorial stasis where conventional warfare does not bring as much benefit as insurgency does.
- Armed conflicts of this type have sometimes been termed "asymmetrical" -- an adjective used principally with reference to the fact that the protagonists are a state, with all its might and force, and an organization with few heavy arms and a limited number of fighters.
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