
IPA: ʌθˈaɪsʌm


  • A non-belief in deities.
  • (strictly) Belief that no deities exist (sometimes including rejection of other religious beliefs).
  • (broadly) A lack of belief in deities, or a belief that there is insufficient evidence to believe in a god.
  • (very broadly) Absence of belief that any deities exist (including absence of the concept of deities).
  • (historical or rare) Absence of belief in a particular deity, pantheon, or religious doctrine (notwithstanding belief in other deities).
  • (obsolete) Absence of belief in the One True God, defined by Moore as personal, immaterial and trinitarian (thus Islam, Judaism and unitarian Christianity), as opposed to monotheism.
  • (sometimes proscribed) A rejection of all religions, even non-theistic ones.

Examples of "atheism" in Sentences

  • Refusing to use the term atheism might be more trouble than it's worth.
  • I have already addressed some of the features of what I call "atheism lite versus Christianity lite."
  • Dawkins not only admits his atheism is a personal, subjective choice, but he roots it is his FEELINGS!
  • So if you wanted to see a load of tweets about atheism, you would search for #atheism in Twitter search, and find a load of hashtagged results!
  • Atheists can point out flaws in our beliefs – which is perfectly in keeping with the term atheism, as atheism often arises in reaction to a specific form of theism.
  • Pew studies tend to be fairly carefully done, but I get a bad feeling when "atheism" is lumped in as a religion - they clearly don't get the idea of what the null set means.
  • Since its first coming into use the term atheism has been very vaguely employed, generally as an epithet of accusation against any system that called in question the popular gods of the day.
  • One of the things I liked about Sweeney (other than her total honesty about something so personal) is that she rejects the term atheism out of hand because it describes her lack of belief in religious terms.

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