IPA: ʌtˈɪvʌn
- tranquilizer (trade name ativan) used to treat anxiety and tension and insomnia
Examples of "ativan" in Sentences
- By darth, January 18, 2010 @ 3: 44 am valium 1614 acomplia glaeoi viagra 49120 ativan 3504 cialis sib
- You hit them with the “holy trinity” haldol, ativan, and benadryl all in one syringe with the plunger pulled way back.
- A doctor or a psychiatrist may set down a medication such as ativan to advance the symptoms of worry in their patients.
- I think living is hard, even when you don't have children, and feeling like you are isolated and are kept in the dark about what really goes on in people's homes is enough to make anybody want some ativan.
- Sleeping pills, of which the most common are the older benzodiazepines like valium (diazepam), clonazepam (klonopin), ativan (lorazepam), restoril (temazepam), and the like, hit all three of benzodiazepine receptors and still do not produce fully natural sleep.