IPA: ˈeɪtrioʊvɛntrˈɪkjuɫɝ
- (anatomy, medicine) Of the spatial relationship between the ventricles and the atria of the heart.
Examples of "atrioventricular" in Sentences
- The atrioventricular node acts as a bridge between the atria and ventricles in the heart
- Electrical signals pass through the atrioventricular bundle to coordinate the contraction of the heart chambers
- Dysfunction of the atrioventricular valves can lead to problems with blood flow in the heart
- An atrioventricular block can disrupt the normal rhythm of the heart, causing symptoms like dizziness and fatigue
- The atrioventricular septum separates the left and right sides of the heart, ensuring that oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood do not mix
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