IPA: ˈeɪtrʌpaɪn
- (toxicology, pharmacology) An alkaloid extracted from the plant deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and other sources, such as the seeds of the thorn-apple. Though overdoses would be fatal it is used as a drug in medicine for its paralytic effects (e.g. in surgery to relax muscles, in dentistry to dry the mouth, in ophthalmology to dilate the pupils).
Examples of "atropine" in Sentences
- The doctor administered atropine to the patient to help dilate their pupils during the eye exam
- Atropine is commonly used as a medication to treat certain types of nerve agent poisoning
- The paramedic quickly injected atropine into the patient's arm to help regulate their heart rate
- Some plants naturally produce atropine as a defense mechanism against herbivores
- The pharmacology student studied the effects of atropine on the nervous system for their research project