IPA: ʌtˈɛnjʌwˈeɪʃʌn
- A gradual diminishing of strength.
- (physics) A reduction in the level of some property with distance, especially the amplitude of a wave or the strength of a signal.
- (biology) A weakening in the virulence of a pathogen or other microorganism.
- (botany) The tapering of a leaf etc to a fine point.
- (engineering) A fabrication process in which a material is stretched out into a thin shape.
- (homeopathy) The reduction of the active principles of medicines to minute doses.
- (brewing) The proportion of sugar that is converted to ethanol by a yeast.
Examples of "attenuation" in Sentences
- The use of certain materials in construction can help with sound attenuation, reducing the amount of noise that penetrates a building
- The attenuation of radio signals can cause interference and disruptions in communication
- Attenuation in fiber optic cables can result in a loss of signal strength over long distances
- A high-quality amplifier can help boost signals and overcome attenuation in audio systems
- The use of signal repeaters can help mitigate attenuation in long-distance communication networks