
IPA: ʌtˈaɪɝ


  • (clothing) One's dress; what one wears; one's clothes.
  • (heraldry) The single horn of a deer or stag.


  • (transitive) To clothe or adorn.

Examples of "attire" in Sentences

  • Frankly, Nazi attire is fraught with meaning that Confederate garb isn't.
  • Anyway, ridiculous attire is not necessarily uncomfortable attire, which is our issue here.
  • For one night of the year, business attire is out, and scantily clad nurses, devils, maids, cops, and cheerleaders are in.
  • After all, business attire is required, and the suit needed cleaning; besides, there are some good shows on television that night.
  • “Muslims around the world know that this attire is misogynistic dress for women that is being promoted by the Taliban and al-Qaeda,” said Tarek Fatah, founder of the group.
  • The editor of www. suggests part of the trend back towards business professional attire is because people are more serious post 9-11, and its reflected in the dress code.
  • Republican candidate Blake Farenthold, who is running for Texas's 27th district House seat, came under scrutiny this week when images surfaced of him out for a night on the town with women in attire leaving little to the imagination.
  • I don't have young children but I do work with youth groups and the over riding comments I hear from young females concerning such skimpy booth babe attire is disbelief, giggles and comments of toppling over from the after market add ons ...

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