IPA: ʌtrˈæktɝ
- Something which attracts.
- (mathematics, physics) A set of points or states to which a dynamical system evolves after a long enough time. That is, points that get close enough to the attractor remain close even if slightly disturbed.
Examples of "attractor" in Sentences
- In other words, we are confronted with an intractable conflict attractor.
- For instance, using a san jan worm as a lead or "attractor" pattern followed by an RS2 or some other small midge type nymph.
- I actually think that the same hunger for authenticity that makes the internet a "strange attractor" is at works in politics, too.
- And even though they may change temporarily we may lose seven pounds on a crash diet, odds are they will soon return to their attractor.
- Classically, a dissipative chaotic system tends towards a strange attractor with a fractal structure; that is, the attractor exhibits substructure at all length scales.
- This pattern has developed into a state that conflict scholars label intractable and that mathematicians call an attractor: the Israel-Palestinian conflict has thus become an intractable attractor.
- While it is critical that members of NGOs and community-based organizations do whatever possible to increase intercommunal positivity and decrease negativity and suffering, it may be best to do so in a manner divorced from the "peace process," so as to avoid the polarization that can result from falling prey to the politics of the attractor.