IPA: ˈætrʌtɪd
- worn by rubbing or friction
Examples of "attrited" in Sentences
- They are being attrited as an outcome of the newly feminized learning environment.
- We believe that overall each of those remaining four divisions has been significantly attrited to this point, significantly degraded.
- What we think we're seeing them do is move to reinforce other forces that have already been significantly degraded or attrited at this point.
- I agree that the anti-military turn of Northeast Democrats after Vietnam has badly damaged that reputation, and attrited some of our best military assets.
- When his infantry began to become attrited during their attacks, he pulled them back to allow his mortars and heavy machine guns to weaken the French resolve.
- Knowing H, he may just resort to a denial tactic where every courier, parcel delivery and / or mail system is “interdicted and attrited with extreme prejudice” purely to prevent delivery.
- What has happened over the course of the last four weeks is that most of the Hezbollah fighters have either engaged, attrited the Israelis, or they've evacuated and they've expanded to the north.
- It may get worse when they get close to Baghdad, but, again, heavy Air Force bombing day after day appears to have, to use the Army's word, attrited, that is to say, badly downgraded the units which are supposed to be defending Baghdad.
- What we believe we say in the Baghdad and Medina divisions is we had attrited both of those formations, both materially and also morally (sic), to the point where when the first MEF, the Marines came on the Baghdad Division and then when 3rd ID hit the Medina Division, they were incapable of a coherent defense.
- That may change, but for now surely we are witnessing the wages of eight years of FISA, the Patriot Act, overseas renditions, Guantanamo, tens of thousands of Islamists 'attrited' in Iraq (cf. the much ridiculed 'flypaper trap' theory), the routing of the Taliban from Afghanistan, Predator attacks in Pakistan, and quiet European intelligence work that would be classified as "shredding the Constitution" if it were done here in the US.
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