IPA: ˈɔdɪt
- A judicial examination.
- An examination in general.
- An independent review and examination of records and activities to assess the adequacy of system controls, to ensure compliance with established policies and operational procedures, and to recommend necessary changes in controls, policies, or procedures
- The result of such an examination, or an account as adjusted by auditors; final account.
- (Scientology) Spiritual counseling, which forms the core of Dianetics.
- (obsolete) A general receptacle or receiver.
- (obsolete) An audience; a hearing.
- To examine and adjust (e.g. an account).
- (finance, business) To conduct an independent review and examination of system records and activities in order to test the adequacy and effectiveness of data security and data integrity procedures, to ensure compliance with established policy and operational procedures, and to recommend any necessary changes
- (Scientology) To counsel spiritually.
- To attend an academic class without the opportunity to receive academic credit.
Examples of "audit" in Sentences
- The original ARSC simply didn't want us to confuse the term audit risk with review risk.
- This audit is the fourth completed so far by the watchdog in recent months, but the first that looked at how banks said they used their bailout dollars.
- Governing Class: The governor is wondering where all the visitors are, and New York City's comptroller tries to make the word audit something to get excited about.
- Most of the audit is as expected and I ceased long ago getting ticked off about it; but the new focus on use tax – ie, not just did you collect and pay sales tax on your retail sales but did you pay proper sales tax on every purchase, is really annoying.