IPA: ˈɔgɝ
- A carpenter's tool for boring holes longer than those bored by a gimlet.
- A snake or plumber's snake (plumbing tool).
- A tool used to bore holes in the ground, e.g. for fence posts
- A hollow drill used to take core samples of soil, ice, etc. for scientific study.
- A surname from French.
- To use an auger; to drill a hole using an auger.
- To proceed in the manner of an auger.
Examples of "auger" in Sentences
- The farmer used an auger to drill holes in the ground for planting seeds
- The construction worker used an auger to dig holes for the fence posts
- The plumber used an auger to clear a clog in the drain
- The geologist used an auger to collect soil samples for analysis
- The archaeologist used an auger to carefully uncover artifacts buried beneath the surface