IPA: ˈɔspɛks
- (historical) An officiating priest in Ancient Rome.
Examples of "auspex" in Sentences
- [14] Latin _auspicium_, from _auspex_, a bird seer.
- coniugis et castris et solio generi50 optatum celebrare diem! me iungeret auspex
- Is Teucer called auspex, as taking the auspices, like an augur, or as giving the auspices, like a god?
- The English noun "auspice," which originally referred to this practice of observing birds to discover omens, also comes from Latin "auspex."
- There are objections to both interpretations; a Roman imperator was not called auspex, though he was attended by an auspex, and was said to have the auspicia; auspex is frequently used of one who, as we should say, inaugurates an undertaking, but only if he is a god or a deified mortal.