IPA: ˈɔθɝaɪzɝ
- One who, or that which, authorizes.
Examples of "authorizer" in Sentences
- The president, the commander-in-chief, is the ultimate “authorizer.”
- What's more, it also needs to line up a new "authorizer," or supervising organization, by the end of the year.
- Take the case of New Covenant Charter School in Albany, which was closed this year by its authorizer, SUNY, for continual poor performance.
- Dismal English and math test scores for several years in a row make it unlikely that the school's authorizer, State University of New York, will grant the renewal.
- In the aftermath or imminence of nuclear attack his word means launch, his word is law, he has the Gold Codes in the nuclear football that identify him and only him as the ultimate authorizer of Armageddon.
- While the school mounted an aggressive defense at its renewal hearing for why it should remain open, citing the relatively high rate of proficiency -- and put tremendous political and public pressure on SUNY -- the authorizer ultimately decided that New Covenant had not lived up to its promise to provide every student with a high-quality education and voted to close the school.