
IPA: ɔtˈɑkrʌsi


  • (uncountable) A form of government in which unlimited power is held by a single individual.
  • (countable) An instance of this government.

Examples of "autocracy" in Sentences

  • Lets not go totalitarian, but a moderate autocracy is ok, so that people have some skin in the game.
  • He recognised in German autocracy and in German militarism and in German ambition a menace to the liberties of Europe.
  • Hence Russian autocracy is forced into repeated wars for the possession of Constantinople which, in the present condition of the
  • That an organ of NEOconservative opinion would tout Bush’s moves toward torture and autocracy is just a dog-bites-man story. xmzwvcripq Says:
  • In fact, the high salaries were partially intended to secure the producers 'autocracy, that is, to sooth the itch for artistic autonomy with the balm of wealth.
  • The war also brings to us this disclosure, that the German autocracy is incapable of interpreting the British genius and understanding the true spirit of democracy.
  • The system of one-party autocracy is so entrenched that the officials can be as corrupt as they want and in turn it creates a top down pyramid of corruption in China.
  • It might be called "autocracy" in the world of nation-building, and in business it might be called "large market share," but however it's defined, organizations in The Big Rut typically have supra-normal control of their competitive environment.
  • What democracy shall mean to our sons and daughters and to their successors will be determined first in the great battle now raging, in which Prussian autocracy is to be defeated and finally driven from power, and second in the success or failure of a federation of the democracies of the world following that battle.
  • The theory of autocracy is that power originated at the top; a mythical being known as "Gott" delegated to some favorite, who may be a wise man or a fool-it is about fifty-fifty in history-delegated to this favorite autocratic power, and this gentlemen spreads his power out upon a chosen few, and he and his associates rest squarely upon the masses of men, exploiting the mass of men for and in the interest of the few.

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