IPA: ˈɔtʌgræf
- A person’s own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person.
- (by extension, colloquial) A person's signature used as a mark of formal approval.
- A manuscript in the author’s handwriting.
- (transitive) To sign, or write one’s name or signature on a book etc
- (transitive) To write something in one's own handwriting
- Written in the author’s own handwriting.
- (art) Made by the artist himself or herself; authentic.
Examples of "autograph" in Sentences
- That's what we call the autograph hounders buzzing around.
- Crimson autograph is what we leave behind, everywhere man set foot.
- Now try getting an autograph from the Portland Sea Dogs 'Josh Beckett.
- I would never want an autograph from a book either I’d rather have one from the Writer!
- Mike Sweeney, Royals: About the easiest way to get my autograph is to come to a Royals game and wait in the team parking lot after the game.
- More generally the word autograph refers to "something written or made with one's own hand," such as an original manuscript or a work of art.
- But the thought of anyone wanting my autograph is too overwhelming for me to really comprehend, so it pushes me to being more embarrassed than anything.
- I had, on two or three occasions, used a motto of hers in autograph books, just as I had sentiments from Longfellow, Lowell, Shakespeare, Moses, or Paul.
- Mr. Gotthard replied, 'that he had bought the mazurka as Chopin's autograph from a Polish countess, who, being in sad distress, parted, though with the greatest sorrow, with the composition of her illustrious compatriot.'