IPA: ɔtʌmˈeɪʃʌn
- The act or process of converting the controlling of a machine or device to a more automatic system, such as computer or electronic controls.
Examples of "automation" in Sentences
- Today "automation" is being given the same false meaning.
- That said, automation is also quite good at doing many nominally "high IQ" jobs.
- They would leave a large part of it behind to continue the work in automation that they would begin shortly.
- Frank Levy and Richard J. Murnane predict that computer automation is leading to a split in the labor market.
- And then he watched automation, what we called automation takeover, remove the necessity of work from our well-being.
- If it had built-in automation I would probably switch to it, but for now I'll stick to SyncToy and the Windows Task Scheduler.
- It warns: This "operation should feature the absolute minimum in automation throughout every phase of the final poultry operations!"
- And because the automation is internationally standardized it can reduce risk as well, by streamlining cross-support among centers and agencies.
- The term automation totally return to the integration of a full range of advance information and engineering discoveries into operation process for strategic purpose.