IPA: ɑgzˈɪɫjɝi
- A person or group that acts in an auxiliary manner.
- A sailing vessel equipped with an engine.
- (grammar) An auxiliary verb.
- A marching band colorguard.
- Helping; giving assistance or support.
- Supplementary or subsidiary.
- Held in reserve for exceptional circumstances.
- (nautical) Of a ship, having both sails and an engine.
- (grammar) Relating to an auxiliary verb.
Examples of "auxiliary" in Sentences
- The car broke down, so we had to rely on the auxiliary power source to jump-start it
- The auxiliary police officer helped direct traffic during the parade
- The professor used the auxiliary data to support her research findings
- The auxiliary nurse assisted the doctor in caring for the patients
- Please make sure to have all necessary auxiliary equipment on hand for the event