IPA: ʌvˈɝt
- (transitive) To turn aside or away.
- (transitive) To ward off, or prevent, the occurrence or effects of.
- (intransitive, archaic) To turn away.
Examples of "avert" in Sentences
- A cross atop city hall violates the Establishment Clause even if people remember to avert their eyes.
- May Heaven avert from the Roman republic this national disgrace, which would provoke the patience of the slaves of Persia!
- The list of mistakes they tried to avert is familiar, but it bears repeating because of the fresh opportunity to learn from it.
- Quick calls avert more trauma if wallet or cellphone stolen photo - purchased by JS on 6/8/2009 for one-time publication as the
- General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner has admitted that a national health care program could have helped the auto industry avert financial disaster.
- And with the country's fledgling security forces still unable to reign them in, if the militias decide that enough is enough, experts believe civil war would be near impossible to avert, that is, if it hasn't already begun.
- In order to better avert the threat of swine flu epidemics like the one currently spreading around the globe, public health efforts must address the conditions that allow pigs to become breeding grounds for infectious disease.
- If only more had listened to H.G. Wells when in the 1930s he accurately predicted many of the horrors of what would become WWII. “1984” stood as a warning to all of us, and I would maintain might have helped to avert, at least in part, the threat of “Big Brother.”
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