IPA: ʌvˈɔɪdʌns
- The act of avoiding or shunning; keeping clear of.
- (law, obsolete) The act of annulling; annulment.
- (obsolete) The act of becoming vacant, or the state of being vacant, specifically used for the state of a benefice becoming void by the death, deprivation, or resignation of the incumbent.
- (obsolete) The act of dismissing a person.
- (obsolete) The act of quitting a position or benefice.
- (obsolete) The course by which anything (especially water) is carried off.
Examples of "avoidance" in Sentences
- The therapist suggested that my pattern of avoidance was hindering my progress in therapy
- John's avoidance of conflict only served to escalate tensions between him and his coworkers
- Sarah's constant avoidance of responsibility was starting to wear on her friends and family
- The doctor warned that avoidance of exercise and healthy eating habits could lead to serious health problems
- The government's avoidance of addressing the issue only contributed to public distrust and anger