
IPA: ˈɑ


  • A feeling of fear and reverence.
  • A feeling of amazement.
  • (archaic) Power to inspire awe.
  • A surname.
  • The River Awe, a short river between Loch Awe and Loch Etive, Argyll and Bute council area, Scotland.
  • (rail transport) The station code of AsiaWorld–Expo in Hong Kong.


  • (transitive) To inspire fear and reverence in.
  • (transitive) To control by inspiring dread.

Examples of "awe" in Sentences

  • Today the word awe gets thrown around like a dishrag.
  • The one that just has me in awe, is the Sugared Walnut ...
  • I was in awe of you, thinking you were going to be the next Dylan Thomas!
  • “All these sentiments blend together in the soul,” becoming “a single phenomenon which we call awe” (loc. cit.).
  • Way to go Fox ... at least one station isn't so in "awe" of him that they are not afraid to call him out of certain things.
  • For many decisions about what to eat are not based on a personal sense of awe do plants or animals care if we are “in awe” of them anyway?
  • In a preview of the special Comerford, who has been cooking for presidents since the Clinton administration, said the chefs were in "awe" of everything they saw at the White House.
  • Publicly, the Europeans have been following the script – "a good night's kip and then go out there and give it to them," said the normally mild-mannered Ross Fisher, sounding more like Paulie Gualtieri from the Sopranos than Clark Kent – but behind the scenes they have been in awe of the way Montgomerie has comported himself this week.

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