bait casting

IPA: bˈeɪtkˈæstɪŋ


  • the single-handed rod casting of a relatively heavy (artificial) bait


IPA: btkˈæstɪŋ


  • (fishing) A form of casting in which the weight of the bait pulls the fishing line off of the spool (subject to some control by thumb pressure)

Examples of "baitcasting" in Sentences

    Examples of "bait-casting" in Sentences

    • Lee was in Mr. Cameron's special employ, and from him had learned the art of bait-casting.
    • When she came back, I was juggling the ball, a broken Ambassadeur 5600 bait-casting reel, and a conch shell.
    • The 485-yard, Par 4 hole is a favorite of Toms, who keeps a bait-casting rod in his cart during practice rounds.
    • That's raising concerns among fishermen that their favorite fishing holes may soon be off-limits for bait-casting.
    • I've been using a good bit of weight (1/4 oz) and a bait-casting rig, but I think I might try down-sizing the weight and using a stiff spinning outfit next time.
    • The same process should be used for a bait-casting reel, with the exception of keeping some of the old line on the spool for backing near the spindle because this line is never used when fishing for bass.
    • For rainbows and grayling, go with an ultralight spinning outfit rigged with 4-pound-test line; for salmon, pike, and char, a medium-action spinning or levelwind rig; and for kings, a 7-foot medium-heavy rod and levelwind bait-casting reel filled with 20-pound-test.

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