
IPA: bˈæptɪzʌm


  • A Christian sacrament, by which one is received into a church and sometimes given a name, generally involving the candidate to be anointed with or submerged in water.
  • A similar ceremony of initiation, purification or naming.
  • (rare, nonstandard) The Baptist faith; the Baptist denominations of Christianity.

Examples of "baptism" in Sentences

  • Entwine the cold baptismal font.
  • The next step was the baptism of Mieszko.
  • The ordinances are baptism and the Lord's supper.
  • Baptism is only for the the washing away of sins.
  • The church observes baptism and the Lord's Supper.
  • Directly behind the lectern is the baptismal font.
  • The baptismal font lies to the north of the church.
  • They often long and cry for what they call a baptism of power.
  • The sacraments of the church are baptism and the Lord's Supper.
  • It's on the purpose of baptism, one of the seven sacraments of the Church.
  • Baptism is the rite of inition and the participation in the church of Christ.
  • Genealogy is very important in the Mormon religion, mostly because of the Mormon belief in what is known as baptism for the dead.
  • To make his point, Cowan distorts some scriptural passages: for example, he says, "Peter declared in 1 Peter 3: 21 that baptism is a figure, or symbol" (p. 93).
  • With all problems we have,: 2 wars, ineffective and bungling administration, economical recession (or call it what you want) gasoline prices going through the roof mounting foods costs, John McCain second baptism is 50th on a scale 1 to 10.
  • But baptism is only the beginning, for it "seeks for the attainment of the fullness of life in Christ" (Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, n. 92), and thus for the common reception of Christ in the Eucharist.
  • Nor had I denied the divine appointment of baptism, but only declared my belief that _water baptism_, though a becoming rite under the Christian dispensation, was the baptism of John, and absolutely binding only under his intermediate dispensation.
  • Mr. Lloyd, however, was in as great a mistake; for when insisting that the rite of baptism by water was to cease, when the _spiritual_ administration of CHRIST began, he maintained, that John the Baptist said, '_My baptism_ shall decrease, but _his_ shall increase.'
  • He did not approve of rebaptism, for he insisted that the all-important matter was not how or when water was applied, {81} but the reception of _Christ's real baptism_, an inner baptism, a baptism of spirit and power, by which the believing soul, the inner man, is clarified, strengthened, and made pure. [

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