
IPA: bˈɛrʌɫˈɛgʌd


  • Having uncovered legs.


  • With uncovered legs.

Examples of "barelegged" in Sentences

  • The little witch that run barefoot an 'barelegged over all the place?
  • Did you know what was even weirder, boxer shorts, and you were both barelegged?
  • She'd appeared in the doorway at Harry's Bar in Venice, barelegged but in heels.
  • Your legs will look firmer and more controlled if you wear super-sheer hose instead of going barelegged.
  • I gazed at the little kids splashing barelegged in the fountain below, mere yards from a dead body shoved in a door.
  • Found him in a straw house in the bush, barelegged, a white savage, all mixed up with flowers and things and playing a guitar.
  • Running aft, barefooted and barelegged, the rainwater dripping from his scant clothing, the mate displaced the black at the wheel.
  • The captain, slouch-hatted and barelegged, with a rolling twist hitched the faded blue lava-lava tighter around his waist and spat tobacco juice overside.
  • When the semitropical rains finally arrived she skipped through the bamboo barelegged in a waterproof hat the size of an umbrella made of layers of plaited bamboo.
  • Not only did he not wear pants, and was barefooted and barelegged, but about his middle, just like any black, he wore a brilliant-coloured loin-cloth, that, like a kilt, fell nearly to his sunburnt knees.

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