IPA: bɝˈoʊknʌs
- The state or condition of being baroque.
Examples of "baroqueness" in Sentences
- Verizon's offerings occupy a special category of bureaucratic baroqueness.
- And a few other odds and ends that aren’t mentioned much: It shouldn’t have any unnecessary protuberances or baroqueness.
- As a writer who since my teenaged days has had one foot in the Spanish world, that is, Spain, whose art, architecture and writing, has always included multiple highways and byways -- an innate baroqueness -- I am used to this muchness.
- I can admire Avram Davidson for his baroqueness, and Hemingway for his plainness and Cormac McCarthy for both at different times in his career, but they were/are all capable of balancing the explicit and the implicit to achieve a desired effect.
- Schlegel, placing Leibniz "among the greatest masters" of a "thoroughly material wit," describes his manner of writing and thinking as falling between science, philosophy, and poetry: "The most important scientific discoveries are bon mots of this sort — are so because of the surprising contingency of their origin, the unifying source of their thought, and the baroqueness of their casual expression ....