IPA: bˈæstɪnˈɑdoʊ
- A blow with a cudgel or stick.
- Beating the bare soles of the feet with a stick as a form of corporal punishment used primarily within prisons in various countries. The receiving person is required to be barefoot.
- (transitive) To punish a person by beating the bare soles of the feet, using a stick or truncheon.
Examples of "bastinado" in Sentences
- The cruel prison guard punished the prisoner by administering a brutal bastinado on his feet
- In some cultures, bastinado has been used as a form of corporal punishment for centuries
- The thought of receiving a bastinado made the young boy tremble with fear
- After enduring the bastinado, the criminal vowed never to commit another crime
- The sound of the bamboo cane striking flesh during a bastinado echoed throughout the dungeon