IPA: bˈigʌɫ
- A small short-legged smooth-coated scenthound, often tricolored and sometimes used for hunting hares. Its friendly disposition makes it suitable as a family pet.
- A person who snoops on others; a detective.
- A bailiff.
- A small kind of shark.
- A surname.
- To hunt with beagles.
- To search.
Examples of "beagle" in Sentences
- My beagle, Max, loves to follow his nose and sniff out new scents during our walks
- Beagles are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, making them great companions for families
- I can always count on my beagle to howl along to sirens whenever they pass by our house
- The beagle breed excels in activities like tracking and hunting due to their keen sense of smell
- Every morning, my beagle greets me with a wagging tail and a playful bark, ready for another day of adventures