IPA: bɪstˈoʊ
- (obsolete, rare) An act of presenting a thing to someone or something, especially as a gift or an honour; a bestowal.
- To apply or make use of (someone or something); to employ, to use.
- (specifically, obsolete) To apply (money) for some purpose; to expend, to spend.
- To impart (something) gratuitously; to present (something) to someone or something, especially as a gift or an honour; to confer, to give.
- (archaic)
- To place or put (someone or something) somewhere or in a certain situation; to dispose of.
- To deposit (something) for safekeeping; to lay up (something) in store; to stow.
- (also reflexive) To provide (someone or oneself) with accommodation; to find quarters for (someone or oneself); to lodge, to quarter.
- (obsolete)
- (reflexive) To behave or conduct (oneself); to acquit.
- (also reflexive) To give (someone or oneself) in marriage.
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