IPA: bɪbɫiˈɑpʌɫʌk
- Of or relating to bookselling.
Examples of "bibliopolic" in Sentences
- Carol the righteous and totally predictable, demonstrates her bibliopolic difficulties
- Your bibliopolic advice about Cromwell or my next Book shall be carefully attended, if I live ever to write another Book!
- You should know that, if its interior and spiritual life has been ill fed, its outward and bibliopolic existence has been worse managed.
- Dear Emerson, -- Many thanks for your Letter, which found me here about a week ago, and gave a full solution to my bibliopolic difficulties.
- Devil is unhappily dead, in that international bibliopolic province, and little hope of his reviving for some time; whereupon this is what Squire Appleton does.
- The Devil is unhappily dead, in that international bibliopolic province, and little hope of his reviving for some time; whereupon this is what Squire Appleton does.
- As to the bibliopolic Accounts, my Friend! we will trust them, with a faith known only in the purer ages of Roman Catholicism, -- when Papacy had indeed become a Dubiety, but was not yet a
- Rich in all the bibliopolic "pearl and gold" of a quaint and fanciful binding, glancing with holly berries and mistletoe, Mr. Bogue presents us with a volume as interesting as it is characteristic and elegant,
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