IPA: bɪbɫiˈɑpʌɫʌst
- bibliopole
Examples of "bibliopolist" in Sentences
- Who was the bibliopolist with whom originated the pernicious scheme of adapting newly printed title-pages to books which had had a previous existence?
- The moment Mr. Pembroke had uttered the shibboleth, with the appropriate gesture, the bibliopolist greeted him, notwithstanding every disclamation, by the title of
- Well, I thought it hard enough to write a novel at the dictate of the bibliopolist; but to be condemned to sit down and write my travels -- travels that have never extended farther than the
- The bibliopolist seems to have bent before the storm, and pacified the incensed bard, by verbal submission, though probably without relaxing his exactions and drawbacks in any material degree.
- Upon my making as pitiable a statement as I was able of this melancholy state of things -- and pleading with all my energies against the inevitable destruction which threatened the dear books -- the obdurate bibliopolist displayed not one scintillation of sympathy.
- The bibliopolist spoke a few words in opposition to my plan -- influenced partly, I suspect, by the jealousy of authorship, and partly by an apprehension that the _vivâ-voce_ practice would become general among novelists, to the infinite detriment of the book trade.
- I no longer stand in the outer shop of our bibliopolists, bargaining for the objects of my curiosity with an unrespective shop-lad, hustled among boys who come to buy Corderies and copy-books, and servant girls cheapening a pennyworth of paper, but am cordially welcomed by the bibliopolist himself, with,
- Doubtless, then, the paragraph of the _Oxford Gazette_ had been copied into the London papers; nor did it relieve his unpleasant surprise to find, as he passed to his room, that the worthy bibliopolist had a reading-room attached to his shop, which was far more perilous to his privacy than a coffee-room would have been.
- Indeed, considering that we might all be classified under the general head of Vagabond, there was great diversity of character among the grave old showman, the sly, prophetic beggar, the fiddling foreigner and his merry damsel, the smart bibliopolist, the sombre Indian and myself, the itinerant novelist, a slender youth of eighteen.
- Madge Murdockson, called Madge Wildfire; and of her pious conversation with his Reverence Archdeacon Fleming; '' which authentic publication had apparently taken place on the day they left Carlisle, and being an article of a nature peculiarly acceptable to such country-folk as were within hearing of the transaction, the itinerant bibliopolist had forthwith added them to his stock in trade.