
IPA: bɪbɫiˈɑθʌkʌ


  • (obsolete) A library.

Examples of "bibliotheca" in Sentences

  • 'Pellibus exiguis artatur Livius ingens, quem mea non totum bibliotheca capit.'
  • At first his superiors commissioned him to edit the "bibliotheca" (Myriobiblion) of Photius.
  • Note 18: Ebrard of Béthune, Liber antiheresis (written before 1212), in Maxima bibliotheca veterum patrum 224, 1525 — 84. back
  • Besides private libraries, each large Mosque had its bibliotheca, every MS. of which was marked with the word “Wakf” (entailed bequest), or
  • "Similiter et de libris, quorum magna in bibliotheca sua copiam congregavit: statuit ut ab iis qui eos habere uellet, justo pretio redimeretur, pretin in pauperes erogaretur."
  • Aiming at historical fulness and fidelity, we turned to our national bibliotheca at the British Museum, where we fished out of the vasty deep of treasures a MS. without date or name.
  • Apud desidiosissimos ergo videbis quicquid orationum historiarumque est, tecto tenus exstructa loculamenta; jam enim inter balnearia et thermas bibliotheca quoque ut necessarium domus ornamentum expolitur.
  • Opera omnia ¦ haetenus edita auctor ante obitum recensuit ¦ posthuma vero, totius naturae explicationem complectentia, in lucem nunc primum prodeunt ex bibliotheca ¦ Henrici-Ludovici-Haberti Mon-Morii ¦ [Accessit Samuelis Sorberii praefatio, in qua de vita et moribus Petri Gassendi disseritur.]
  • The sacred edifice, completely in their hands, was soon laid waste; they broke down the altars, destroyed the monuments, and -- much will the bibliophile deplore it -- set fire to their immense library "_ingens bibliotheca_," maliciously tearing into pieces all their valuable and numerous charters, evidences, and writings.
  • Besides several _Biblia optima in duobus voluminibus_, or complete copies of the Bible, many separate books of the inspired writers are noted down; indeed the catalogue lays before us a superb array of fine biblical treasures, rendered doubly valuable by copious and useful glossaries; and embracing many a rare Hebrew MS. Bible, _bibliotheca hebraice_, and precious commentary.

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