IPA: bˈaɪʌmæs
- (biology)
- The total mass of a living thing or a part thereof (such as a cell).
- The total mass of all, or a specified category of, living things within a specific area, habitat, etc.
- Organic matter from living things which were recently alive (especially vegetation) used as a fuel or source of energy, especially if cultivated for that purpose; also, fuel produced from such organic matter; biofuel.
Examples of "biomass" in Sentences
- Biomass refers to organic material derived from plants and animals, which can be used as a renewable energy source
- The biomass from agricultural waste can be converted into biofuels, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels
- Forest residues, such as branches and foliage, are a common source of biomass for energy production
- Biomass can also include biodegradable waste such as food scraps and yard trimmings
- Using biomass as a fuel source can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change