
IPA: bɫˈidɪŋ


  • The flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel.
  • (medicine, historical) Bloodletting.
  • (figurative) Sapping; depletion; draining; weakening.


  • Losing blood
  • (UK, slang, intensifier) extreme, outright; bloody, blasted.


  • (Britain, slang) used as an intensifier: Extremely.

Examples of "bleeding" in Sentences

  • The man Paiko had stepped on was bleeding from a bullet wound.
  • Even when I am yet again bleeding from the eyeballs as I write another first draft.
  • The second duelist, although less seriously wounded, was bleeding from a gash to his thigh.
  • One does not have to be what you call a bleeding heart liberal to understand the dangers of street corner 'justice'.
  • Still, even as he ran to the car, dripping sweat and bleeding from the gash in his forehead, with the river already up to the wheel wells, he realized that the choices he had just made said something about who he was.
  • If we see the earth bleeding from the loss of topsoil, biodiversity, or drought and desertification, and if we help reclaim or save what is lost -- for instance, through regeneration of degraded forests -- the planet will help us in our self-healing and indeed survival.
  • As the unit has been discontinued, it is unlikely that a firmware release would be developed for this unit in relation to the Mac update issue this is what you call bleeding edge I guess. taking a chance on something working when you have no guarantees or support from the manufacturer. sorry, this one is on those who bought the drive knowing well that buffalo didn't actually market to nor actively support Macs / mac users.

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