
IPA: bɫˈɛmɪʃ


  • A small flaw which spoils the appearance of something, a stain, a spot.
  • A moral defect; a character flaw.


  • (transitive) To spoil the appearance of.
  • (transitive) To tarnish (reputation, character, etc.); to defame.

Examples of "blemish" in Sentences

  • Well that's a malignant tumor calling a blemish melanoma.
  • It is being described as a blemish on Egypt and Egyptians.
  • He’s a very aggressive player whose only blemish is that he’s not a great skater.
  • Gaudi’s blemish is a symptom of the Disneyfication of Christianity, as I told a girl, persuading but failing to impress.
  • As the Star Tribune's Emily Johns reported last week, "The state's vexing achievement gap has become a long-term blemish on an otherwise good reputation for educational performance."
  • Sir Jasper brought a reassuring account of the poor little steed, which would be usable again after a short rest, and the blemish was the less important as there was no intention of selling him.
  • Her minuteness of detail has also been found fault with; but even where it produces, at the time, a degree of tediousness, we know not whether that can justly be reckoned a blemish, which is absolutely essential to
  • They were both of that rich dark reddish roan, and wonderfully alike, the differences being in their legs; one being nearly black in this important part of its person, the other having what most purchasers would call the blemish of four white legs -- it being a canon amongst the wise in horseflesh that

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