IPA: bɫˈɛs
- A surname from German.
- To make something holy by religious rite, sanctify.
- To make the sign of the cross upon, so as to sanctify.
- To invoke divine favor upon.
- To honor as holy, glorify; to extol for excellence.
- To esteem or account happy; to felicitate.
- (obsolete) To wave; to brandish.
- (Perl programming, transitive, past tense only blessed) To turn (a reference) into an object.
- (archaic, with from) To secure, defend, or prevent from.
- (MTE, slang) To give or send.
Examples of "bless" in Sentences
- May you be blessed with happiness, health, and prosperity in the new year
- I feel truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life
- The warm sun shining down on my skin feels like a gentle blessing from nature
- I count my blessings every day and am grateful for all the love and opportunities in my life
- The kind words and gestures from strangers never fail to bless my heart and restore my faith in humanity