IPA: bɫˈumɪŋ
- The act by which something blooms.
- (metallurgy) The process of making blooms from the ore or from cast iron.
- (photography) A phenomenon where excessive light causes bright patches in a picture.
- Opening in blossoms; flowering.
- Thriving in health, beauty, and vigor, vigour; indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health.
- (Britain, Australia, dated) A euphemism for the intensifier bloody.
- (Britain, Australia, often followed by well) A euphemism for the intensifier bloody.
Examples of "blooming" in Sentences
- The flowers in the garden were blooming beautifully, filling the air with their sweet fragrance
- After a long winter, the trees were finally blooming with fresh green leaves
- Springtime always brings a feeling of renewal with the blooming of new life all around
- The artist captured the vibrant colors of the blooming fields in his painting
- She felt a sense of joy and hope watching the blooming of the cherry blossoms each year