IPA: bɫˈoʊɝ
- A person who blows.
- (mining) A fissure from which firedamp issues, often in quantity for many years.
- Any device that blows; often, especially, a furnace component or a supercharger.
- A ducted fan, usually part of a heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning system.
- (slang, chiefly Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, usually preceded by the) Telephone.
- (slang, UK, Ireland, historical) A telephone service providing betting odds and commentary, relayed to customers in a bookmaker's shop via loudspeaker.
- (dated) A braggart, or loud talker.
- The whale; so called by seamen, from its habit of spouting up a column of water.
- A small fish of the Atlantic coast, Sphoeroides maculatus; the puffer.
- A surname originating as an occupation.
Examples of "blower" in Sentences
- The design on this blower is smart, simple and efficient.
- Norman Illuminator Studio Head rated to 2500ws, built-in blower
- Craftsman 25 cc gas blower is $89.99; a Craftsman 30-inch poly leaf rake is $14.45.
- Their dust blower is one of those products - it eliminates the need for canned compressed air!
- Innodesk's dust blower is battery operated using 4 AA batteries and it is as powerful as the traditional compressed air dust blower.
- Quite the contrary, that whistle blower is assisting in upholding U.S. law and thus is assisting in protecting our national security.